Postdoctoral Position in Gene Transcription – University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki seeks a creative thinker with strong analytical skills and a passion for science for a postdoctoral position in gene transcription.

Project Information

The goal of the lab is to identify the basic processes behind the regulation of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in both healthy and pathological conditions during the elongation phase of transcription. The transcriptional cyclin-dependent kinases (tCDKs) that initiate Pol II release from promoter-proximal pausing and enable fruitful Pol II elongation along genes are of special interest to us. Our goal is to use our understanding of the fundamentals of gene regulation to develop innovative therapies for the various illnesses caused by dysregulated gene transcription processes.


Please use the University of Helsinki’s computerised recruiting system by selecting the “Apply now” button to submit your application and supporting materials, including a motivation letter outlining your research interests, a CV, a list of publications, and two letters of recommendation.

Deadline and Application

The deadline for the application is on 16 September 2024. For more details and application, visit the official website.

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Postdoctoral Position in Microbiology - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Fri Sep 27 , 2024
Applications are being accepted for a two-year postdoctoral position in microbial community interactions at the Department of Food Science, Section of Microbiology, Gut Health, and Fermentation. Deadline: 20 October 2024

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