Postdoctoral Position in Plant Developmental Biology – Umeå University, Sweden

With more than 37,000 students and 4,700 staff members, Umeå University is one of Sweden’s biggest universities. The university provides world-class research in a number of disciplines along with a variety of top-notch academic programs. Notably, this is the location of the revolutionary discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology, which was recognised with the Chemistry Nobel Prize. Everything at Umeå University is near. Our friendly campuses encourage a vibrant and open atmosphere by making it simple for people to interact, collaborate, and share information.

Two postdoctoral posts are available at the Department of Plant Physiology. The successful candidate will join Stephan Wenkel’s research group and embark on a project that will investigate the function of microProteins in tomato development. The job is full-time for a period of two years, beginning on January 1, 2025, or as mutually agreed upon.

Project Information

They are very pleased to be hiring two postdoctoral researchers for a project that will employ microProtein engineering to regulate tomato growth. The project will run for two years, with the chance of an additional year. Small, single-domain proteins called microproteins are essential for controlling a variety of biological processes, which creates new opportunities for advancement in plant biology (e.g., Hong et al., PNAS, 2020). In order to change our understanding of and ability to control plant development, we will modify the expression and function of microProteins in tomatoes using state-of-the-art genome-engineering and protein-engineering approaches.

Qualifications and Requirements

The postdoctoral fellow must have finished a doctorate or a foreign degree judged equal to a doctorate in order to be recruited under the terms of the postdoctoral agreement. The completion of these qualifying conditions must occur no later than the decision to nominate.

Also, Check| Research Associate in Tyrosine phosphatases Regulate Cell Signalling Project – King’s College London

Deadline and Application

The deadline for the application is 06 November 2024. For more details and application, visit the official website.

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Research Associate in Microbial Ecology (Plant/Soil) - Imperial College London

Wed Oct 23 , 2024
A microbial ecologist interested in developing a novel strategy to inhibit the pathogens of wheat (T. aestivum), one of the most significant staple crops in the world, is needed by the Graystock Lab at Imperial College London's Silwood Park Campus. We hope to achieve this by altering the current soil microbiota. Deadline: 20 November 2024

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