Postdoctoral Position in Metabolic Regulation of the Genome in Leukemia – Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Barcelona

Open position for a postdoctoral fellowship in metabolic regulation of genome in leukemia.

Project Information

Although metabolism was once thought to be a byproduct of cell identity, during the past ten years, there has been mounting evidence that metabolism actively influences cell destiny decisions. Chromatin regulation systems are sensitive to and impacted by the metabolism in their immediate surroundings, much like all other biological events. This metabolic–chromatin regulation allows cells to adjust to changes in food supply and environmental stimuli. Furthermore, there is genetic and epidemiological data that suggests cancer and other disorders are caused by a cell’s inability to adapt to changes in nutrition. We examine two main facets of how nuclear metabolism controls genomic activities within the framework of the NUCLEAR network. Firstly, we will assess if chromatin and disease-relevant gene regulation are affected by metabolic alterations linked to leukemia.

Qualifications and Requirements

  1. A high level of motivation and interest. 
  2. High-level of collaborative and communicative skills.
  3. Relevant expertise in chromatin biology or blood cancers.
  4. Technical expertise in cell culture methods, molecular biology and biochemistry,
  5. Competitive CV with a track record of publications that will allow us to apply for competitive fellowships such as MSCA, EMBO and FEBS.
  6. PhD title.
  7. Meeting the MSCA mobility criteria of not having lived in Spain for more than 12 months during the last 3 years.
  8. 0-7 years of postdoc experience.
  9. Good level of English speaking and writing skills (required). Spanish (helpful).

Deadline and Application

The deadline for the application is around the end of October 2024. For more details and application, visit the official website.

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Postdoctoral Position in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - Institut of Pasteur, France

Tue Sep 3 , 2024
Postdoctoral Position Applications are invited for a position in the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Department, Statistical Genetics Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. Deadline: 31 December 2024

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