PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry – University of Münster

A three-year position is available for research on the biology of guidance receptors in neuronal development and cancer at the European Institute for Molecular Imaging at the University of Münster.

Project Info

Dr. Maria Florencia Sánchez’s group is associated with the European Institute of Molecular Imaging, an interfaculty organization. Their study aims to comprehend how receptors see their surroundings and react by producing particular kinds of reactions. They shall examine the plexins, a class of underappreciated receptors. These receptors impact renal, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular development in addition to neural development. Furthermore, plexins control immunological reactions, which makes cancer a particularly desirable target for medication. By integrating nanotechnology, cell biology, and sophisticated microscopy, we aim to comprehend how plexin clustering and membrane organisation impact signalling.

Applicant Qualification

  • Highly motivated and ambitious students with a Masters in Chemistry, (Bio)-Chemistry, Biology, Molecular Biology, (Bio)-Medicine
  • Strong interest in nanotechnology and fluorescence microscopy methods 
  • Experience with lab work in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
  • Oral and written communication skills – English (required) and German (desired)
  • Ability to work effectively in an interdisciplinary team

Application Requirements

  • Cover letter describing your research interest and why you are suitable for the position (max. 1 page)
  • CV including a list of relevant publications
  • Copy of the official academic transcript of your degree or a letter stating when your degree will be obtained
  • Names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers for academic references/recommendation letters


The last date for applying for this position on 30 July 2024

For more details and application, visit the official website.

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